बन्दै बन्द

Picture Source: Himalkhabar.com
माओवादी समवन्धीत नेवा मुक्ति मोर्चाले राजधानीमा १८ को बन्द कार्यक्रम सफल पार्नको लागी पूर्वसन्धामा निकालेको जुलुस
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माओवादीद्धारा संघर्षका कार्यक्रम घोषणा

राजन घिमिरे–
राष्ट्रपतिको कदमविरुद्ध आफ्नो पार्टीले सदनमा दर्ता गराएको संकल्प प्रस्ताव अस्विकृत भएको विरोधमा एकिकृत नेकपा माओवादीले आन्दोलनको कार्यक्रम घोषणा गरेको छ । एकिकृत नेकपा माओवादी सचिवालयको आज विहान बसेको बैठकले आन्दोलनका कार्यक्रम तय गरेको हो । बैठक पछि माओवादी प्रवक्ता दिनानाथ शर्माले राष्ट्रपतिको असंबैधानिक कदमविरुद्ध जेठ महिना भरिका लागि आन्दोलनका कार्यक्रम तय गरिएको जानकारी दिनुभएको छ । वहाँका अनुसार जेष्ठ २० गते ७५ वटै जिल्लाका जिलला प्रशासन कार्यालयमा २ घण्टा धर्ना दिने र २१ गते देखि जेठ महिना भरी पार्टी अन्तर्गतका मोर्चा र जनवर्गिय संगठनहरुले गा।वि।स। स्तरीय र जिल्ला स्तरीय र् याली धर्ना र सभ ा गर्ने कार्यक्रम तय भएको छ । वहाँले आन्दोलनलाई व्यवस्थि तगर्न मोहन वैंधको संयोजकत्वमा एक संघर्ष समिति समेत गठन गरिएको जानकारी दिनुभयो ।
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यो पनि

२०६०-०२-१९ गते प्रधानमन्त्री बन्नको लागि माधव नेपालले दरवारमा चढाएको विन्ती पत्र
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कंाग्रेसमा मन्त्री छान्ने जिम्मा कोइरालालाई

राजन घिमिरे-
नेपाली कांगेसले सरकारमा कसलाई पठाउने भन्ने निर्णय गर्न पार्टी सभापति गिरीजाप्रसाद कोइरालालाई जिम्मेवाी दिएको छ । केन्द्रीय कार्यसमीतिको पार्टी कार्यालय सानेपामा वसेको बैठकले सरकारमा जाने व्यक्तिहरुको चयन गर्न नसकेपछि कोइरालालाई जिम्मा दिएको हो । अव सरकारमा कसलाई पठाउने भन्ने जिम्मा सभापतिलाई दिइएको छ । वैठकले महामन्त्री कुलवहादुर गुरुङ्गको सरकारमा जान नहुने प्रतिवेदन अस्विकृत गरेको छ । गुरुङ्गले सरकारमा जाने वहुमत सदस्यको निर्णय स्विकार गरेका छन् र सरकामा सहभागि भई सरकारलाई वलियो वनाउने निर्णय समेत वैठकले गरेको छ ।
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नयाँ नेपालका भूपु प्रधानमन्त्री

तस्विर सोस्र: upendrarasharma.blogspot.com
नेपाली जनताका नागरीक समाजका प्रधानमन्त्री अनि अति तिन पति पशुपति राष्ट्रपति सेनापतिले बहिरगम गराएका नयाँ नेपालका तत्कालिन प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दहाल ज्यू ।

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प्रधानमन्त्रीद्धारा सहकार्य र एकतामा जोड

राजन घिमिरे–
प्रधानमन्त्री माधवकुमार नेपालले आफू राजनीतिक सहमति र सहकार्य र एकता जुटाउने प्रयासमा लागिरहने वताउनु भएको छ । प्रधानमन्त्री नेपालले राजधानीको मिनभवनमा चिनिया सहयोगमा निर्मित निजामति कर्मचारी अस्पतालको उदघाट गर्दै सो कुरा बताउनु भएको हो । देश संक्रमणकालको मध्यभागमा उभिएकाले सबै राजनीतिक दलहरुको सहमति सहकार्य र एकताको वाटो हिडनुपर्ने नेपालको भनाई थियो ।
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कसको नेतृत्वमा सरकारमा जाने भन्नेमा विवाद कायमै

राजन घिमिरे-
माले नेतृत्वमा सरकारमा सहभागिता जनाउने नेपाली काग्रेसको विवाद अझै टुङ्गोमा पुग्न सकेको छैन । यद्यपि एमालेको नेतृत्वमा बन्ने सरकारमा काग्रेसले आफ्नो सहभागिता जनाउने निश्चित भएको छ । सरकारमा सहभागिताका सम्वन्धमा आज विहान बसेको केन्द्रीय समितिको बैठकमा सरकारमा सहभागिताको सम्वन्धमा छलफल भए पनि त्यसको टुङ्गो भने लाग्न सकेको छैन् । काग्रेस स्रोतका अनुसार बैठकले एमाले नेतृत्वको सरकारमा सामेल हुने निर्णय गरे पनि कसको नेतृत्वमा सरकारमा जाने भन्ने कुराको निर्णय गर्न सकेन् । काग्रेस भित्र सरकारमा सामेल हुने वा बाहिर बसेर सरकारलाई समर्थन गर्ने विषयमा विवाद देखिएको थियो । यसैविच सरकारमा सहभागिता जनाउने सम्वन्धमा काग्रेस संसदीय दलको बैठक आज बस्ने वताइएको छ ।
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Indian troops use brute foree against protestros in IHK

In occupide Kashmir at least seven persons were injured when Indian troops resorted to brute force against peaceful demonstratrs in srinagar. People took to the streets at Nawa Kadal, Kawdara, Nowhatta and Rajouri Kadal after the rumours about the death of Arif ahmed, who was hit was hit and injured by a tear smoke canister, spread in the area. They raised full-troadted anti-India slogans on the occasion.
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Coffer Dam's Breach Raises flood spectre

Rajan Ghimire-
Three coffer dams, which were constructed to divert the water channel of the Koshi River, were breached at 10:30pm yesterday coffer dam is a makeshift embankment that is built with sand filled plastic Sacks.
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Rajan Ghimire-
The industry captains met Priem Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal at his residence in Kumar Nepal at his residence in Koteshwor on Tuesday. we up prisedence him of the deteriorating business environment, industrial security, labour disputes, frequent bandhs and load-shedding said CA member and entrepred Rajendra Kumar Kethan. The PM assured them of improved industrial security and lesser load shedding house. FNCCI president Kush Kumar Joshi led the team comprising vicepresident Bhaskarraj Rajkarnikar, former FNCCI presidents Ravi Bhakta Shrestha Pradeep Shrestha and Mahesh Lal Pradhan, and Bhim Kedia.
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PM-elect discusses cabinet formation with Koirala

President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav administers oath of office and secrecy toewly elected Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal.

Rajan Ghimire-
Prime Minister Madhav-elect Kumar Nepal met Nepali Congress president Girija Prasad Koirala to discuss issues related to the composition of the new cabinet including formation of a high-level joint mechanism, distribution of ministerial berths, the common minimum programme and policy and programmes of the new government.
PM Nepal met with NC president Koirala Sunday afternoon at the latter's residence, Maharajgunj. Nepal is learnt to have offered Koirala to chair the joint-mechanism of parties to run the government. Parties have intensified discussions for distribution of ministries and selection of their leaders to represent in the government after the legislature parliament elected Nepal as the new Prime Minister of Nepal on Saturday.
NC leaders met at the party president's residence Sunday morning and urged UML to initiate the process of government formation. The party has neither selected a person to lead its team in the government nor finalised thenames of ministers.
Sher Bahadur Deuba faction is supporting Prakash Man Singh while Sushil Koirala faction wants Kul Bahadur Gurung to lead the party's team in the government. Ram Chandra Poudel is likely to lead the party's team as his leadership is acceptable to both factions.
Leaders likely to be included in the cabinet are Ram Chandra Poudel, Prakash Man Singh, Bimalendra Nidhi, Kul Bahadur Gurung, Binaya Dhwaj Chand, Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat, Dr Shekhar Koirala, Purna Kumar Serma and Nabindra Raj Joshi.
UML standing committee also met this morning and formed a committee headed by party chairman Jhala Nath Khanal to coordinate and hold talks with other parties participating in the government.
The talks committee which includes Shankar Pokhrel, KP Oli, Surendra Pande, Raghuji Pant, Bidhya Bhandari and Ishwor Pokhrel has already started informal consultations with other parties.
Nepali Congress, CPN (UML) and Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) have agreed to take one ministry each out of home, water resources and finance ministries, it is learnt.
Although, Bijaya Kumar Gachchhadar was seen likely to lead the MJF team in the government till Saturday, the intra-party dispute is mounting with party chairman Upendra Yadav showing interest to lead the party in the new government.
It will take a few more days for the cabinet to get its final shape. The complete cabinet is likely to have more than 30 ministers with assistant and state ministers.
source: Nepalnews.com
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Famous Temple of Nepal-Pashupatinath

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Madhav Kumar Nepal is new PM

Rajan Ghimire-

The legislature-parliament elected CPN (UML) leader Madhav Kumar Nepal as the new Prime Minister of the country on Saturday.
Backed by 21 parties, Nepal was elected unopposed as no other candidates filed nomination fo
r the post. Maoist lawmakers walked out of the parliament hall, boycotting the election process. CPN (Unified) and Nepali Janata Dal also stayed away from the election process.Leaders of the coalition partners gathered at the parliament congratulated Nepal as soon as the Speaker declared him elected.
Nepali Congress president tabled the proposal in the House in favour of Nepal as the new Prime Minister while UML chairman Jhala Nath Khanal, Madhesi Janadhikar Forum's Bijay Kumar Gachchhadar and Terai Madhesh Loktantrik Party chairman Mahantha Thakur, Sadbhawana Party chairman Rajendra Mahato supported the proposal, among others.
Resignation of Pushpa Kamal Dahal as the Prime Minister following a rift among the ruling parties over the government decision to sack army chief led to the formation of the new government. The Maoist party has said it would continue protest in the parliament and the street unless the President's 'constitutional' move is rectified.
Nepal, the former general secretary of the UML, is the third communist Prime Minister of the country after late Manmohan Adhikari and Pushpa Kamal Dahal. He was deputy prime minister in the minority government of the UML in 2052 B.S.
He remained the uncontested general secretary of the UML for nearly 16 years after the death of then general secretary Madan Bhandari in a mysterious road accident in 2050 B.S. Nepal resigned from the post after the defeat of UML as well as his own in the Constituent Assembly elections last year.
Nepal was later nominated as the CA member under proportional seat vacated by a UML nominee and was subsequently appointed as the head of the Constitutional Committee.
The composition of the new cabinet is yet to be finalised. Nepali Congress, Madhesi Janadhikar Forum, Terai Madhesh Loktantrik Party, Sadbhawana Party are set to join the government, but other are yet to decide whether to participate in it.
Meanwhile, speaking in the House at the start of the session, deputy parliamentary leader of the Unified CPN (Maoist) Narayankaji Shrestha said the new government was being installed at the behest of imperialists, expansionists and the status-quoit forces by crushing civilian supremacy.

Source: Nepalnews.com

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Only one nomination filed for PM

Rajan Ghimire-
UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal is the sole candidate to file nomination for the post of Prime Minister at the parliament secretariat Saturday, opening doors for his unopposed election to the job.
No other parties filed nominations by 1 p.m. today, the time allotted for filing candidacy. Nepali Congress president Girija Prasad Koirala has seconded the nomination and leaders of various 22 political parties supported it.
The legislature parliament is all set to elect a new Prime Minister Saturday afternoon almost three weeks after Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal stepped down on May 4.
The Unified CPN (Maoist) had decided not to field a candidate. Speaker of the legislature parliament Subash Nemwang will announce the PM unopposed later today.
source: Nepalnews.com
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Ministers evaluate their tenure as successful

Rajan Ghimire-
The last meeting of the Maoist-led coalition government concluded Saturday afternoon evaluating their tenure in the government.
The ministers told media persons after the meeting that they evaluated their nine-month long tenure in the coalition government to be successful and fruitful.
Ministers from Unified CPN (Maoist), CPN (United) and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) along with government secretaries attended the farewell meeting held at Baluwatar.
The three parties, principally, pledged to work together in the future as well
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Nepal files nomination; PM election today

Rajan Gjimire-
UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal has filed his nomination for the post of Prime Minister at the parliament secretariat Sunday morning.

Nepali Congress president Girija Prasad Koirala has seconded the nomination and leaders of various 22 political parties supported the nomination.

The legislature parliament is all set to elect a new Prime Minister Saturday afternoon almost three weeks after Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal stepped down on May 4.

Nepal is almost certain to become the next PM. Filing of nominations began at 10 am. Nominations can be filed till 1 pm.

The Unified CPN (Maoists) have decided not to field a candidate, it is learnt. Speaker of the legislature parliament will announce the PM unanimously elected if only one candidate files nomination by 1 pm. If there are two or more candidates, the parliament secretariat will publish the final list of the candidates at 1:30 pm.

The election for the new PM will start in the parliament at 3 pm. The lawmakers will vote for or against the first candidate. If the first candidate cannot gain a majority, the process will be repeated for the second candidate.
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Nepal files nomination: PM election today

Rajan Ghimire-
UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal has filed his nomination for the post of Prime Minister at the parliament secretariat Sunday morning.
Nepali Congress president Girija Prasad Koirala has seconded the nomination and leaders of various 22 political parties supported the nomination.
The legislature parliament is all set to elect a new Prime Minister Saturday afternoon almost three weeks after Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal stepped down on May 4.
Nepal is almost certain to become the next PM. Filing of nominations began at 10 am. Nominations can be filed till 1 pm.
The Unified CPN (Maoists) have decided not to field a candidate, it is learnt. Speaker of the legislature parliament will announce the PM unanimously elected if only one candidate files nomination by 1 pm. If there are two or more candidates, the parliament secretariat will publish the final list of the candidates at 1:30 pm.
The election for the new PM will start in the parliament at 3 pm. The lawmakers will vote for or against the first candidate. If the first candidate cannot gain a majority, the process will be repeated for the second candidate.
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rajan ghimire-
Outgoing Prime Minister and Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal Friday accused that counter-revolutionary elements under the direction of foreign powers have been plotting against the popularly elected government. In his televised addressed to the.
source: Kathmandu Post
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PM election schedule announced

Rajan Ghimire-
The secretariat of the Constituent Assembly on Friday made public the schedule for the election of new Prime Minister at the direction of the CA chairman Subash Nembang.According to acting Secretary General of CA secretariat Manohar Bhattarai, the candidates can file their nomination from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday. The final list of the candidates will be published at 1:30 pm. Bhattarai said that voting for the new PM would start in the Legislature-Parliament session at 3 pm.Twenty-two parties have fielded CPN-UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal as a candidate for the post while other two parties -- the CPN-Maoist and CPN-United -- were still undecided on fielding another candidate.
source: http://www.thehimalayantimes.com
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House stalled again; Maoists table 'commitment proposal' against President's move

Rajan Ghimire-
The meeting of the legislature parliament on Wednesday has been postponed until 3 pm Thursday. The parliament secretariat made the announcement through a notice.
Earlier today, Unified CPN (Maoist) tabled a 'commitment proposal' at the parliament secretariat against the President's move to block the government's decision to sack the army chief.
In the commitment proposal, the party has stated that the President's move runs counter to the interim constitution and civilian supremacy. Stating that the President exercised power that has not been given to him, the proposal demands withdrawal of his order against the government decision to sack army chief Rookmangud Katawal.
Narayankaji Shrestha, the deputy leader of the Maoist party in the parliament, moved the proposal that was supported by Maoist lawmakers Post Bahadur Bogati and Barsha Man Pun.
A secretariat meeting of the party held at the PM's residence in Baluwatar Wednesday morning had decided to move the proposal.
Earlier today, during his meeting with Speaker Subas Nemwang, caretaker Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal had said his party would allow the parliamentary to function if it takes up the commitment proposal.
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source: www.hamroawaaz.com
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Mainali re-elected chairman of ML

Rajan Ghimire-
The fifth general convention of the CPN (ML) has again elected Chandra Prakash Mainali as its chairman unanimously.
The convention that concluded late Wednesday night also elected 39 Central Working Committee members unanimously. Remaining two seats of the 41-member CWC will be filled later, party sources said.
The newly elected CWC will meet Thursday to review the general convention and work out future strategy of the party, chairman Mainali said.
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Mahobadi ko kam

source: blog.com.np
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LOAD SHEDDING 2066-02-06

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PM to address parliament

Rajan ghimire-
The Prime Minister and chairman of UCPN-Maoist Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' is slated to address the parliament on Thursday. A source close to Maoists said that Maoists will not be obstructing the parliament proceedings from Thursday after the Prime Minister’s address.
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source: www.obamamagazine.com

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Rajan ghimire-
Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has taken over the management of Bank of Kathmandu (BoK) by suspending the latter’s board, following confusion that arose with deepening disputes among promoters of the bank.
An emergency board meeting of the central bank Tuesday evening decided to take over BoK management for up to three months or until the former is convinced the incumbent management is capable of running the bank on its own.
The central bank came to such decision after it got two letters in response to a clarification call it sought on the termination of erstwhile Chief Executive Officer Radheshyam Pant, clearly revealing disputes within the promoters. Responding to the clarification call, the BoK board, based on a majority decision, wrote to the central bank that firing erstwhile CEO Pant was an internal matter and a normal process of the bank. However, promoters dissatisfied with the board’s decision expressed their grudge with the central bank urging the latter to intervene.
The central bank has decided to deploy a four-member NRB board led by Director Laxmi Prapanna Niraula to manage the bank. The NRB deployed board will work in coordination with existing acting chief executive Sabin Lal Shrestha.
The management has been taken over due to the failure of BoK management to safeguard interests of Bank’s promoters and depositors due to ongoing disputes among promoters, the central bank said.
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My District Arghakhanchi
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Prabhakaran's Body on TV

Rajan ghimire-
Sir Lankhan state television broadcts vidio footage on Tuesday of what it said was the body of Tamil Tiger Leader Velupillai Prabahakaran, hours after the rebels claimed he was still alive. The footage showed the upper part of a corpse dressed in camoflage uniform and with a head wound.
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